A0542-CD: Glèusta

Glèusta - Màiri Macleod & Ross Garrod

CD cover image

What do you get when you mix harp and percussion? An electrifying combination of classical, contemporary, folk, and jazz! Their original compositions, innovative arrangements and eclectic personalities will have your feet tapping instantly. Màiri Macleod - Clàrsach, Electro-Harp & Voice and Ross Garrod - Marimba, Cajòn & Drum-Kit

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Audio Samples & Track Listing


1. Iridescence
2. Inertia
3. O Mo Dhùthaich (My Land)
4. Samba de Scotland
5. The Little Cascade
6. Grace
7. Eilean a'Cheò (Misty Isle)
8. Isaiah

Album Information

Title: Glèusta
Artists: Glèusta
Màiri Macleod - Clàrsach, Electro-Harp & Voice
Ross Garrod - Marimba, Cajòn & Drum-Kit
Genre: Mixed (classical, contemporary, folk, and jazz)
Format: Audio CD
Our Ref: A0542
MCPS: MCM Records 1001
Label: MCM Records
Year: 2009
Origin: Scotland (UK)