Album Speechless
Acoustic Guitar
Artist Mike Chapman
Solo plectrum guitar music

"Mike Chapman comes from a long line of distinguished plectrum guitar players dating back to the '20s like Eddie Lang, Dick McDonough and Carl Kress, who with consummate skill played a mix of solo lines and chordal melodies to great effect, using the guitar in a pianistic way. The range of artistry and music styles presented here is broadly romantic, comprising very English sounding original chord melodies, bluegrass ragtime influences, Ike lsaacs numbers, Spanish inflections, swing, O'Carolan and a Bamey Kessell Latin tune. Honeysuckle Rose is a highlight as are the originals, This Ones for You and Careful on the Crossing, and throughout the album the notes played on a large bodied acoustic guitar resonate clearly, balance well and sustain beautifully." Kathy Dyson - Musician magazine June 2004.

Our Ref (s) A0050 CD Cover
Format(s) CD
Price £12.00
MCPS Awaiting issue
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This page was last updated on 28 May, 2005