Musicals / Stories
Click on a CD image for further information & sound samples
Click for further detailsThe Frog Princess - Deborah Henson-Conant
THE FROG PRINCESS - FOR KIDS - "An Amphibious Allegory, A Froggish Fairy Tale" written, narrated and sung by Deborah Henson-Conant. The Frog Princess is the story of Amphibia, daughter of the famous Frog Prince. For children of all ages. Recorded using orchestral synth. Story, Words and Music by Deborah Henson-Conant.
Click for further detailsOriginal Cast Recording: The Horror! The Horror! Music & Lyrics by Jeffrey Mayhew
A Wilton’s Music Hall and Theatre of the Damned production It’s 1904 and an East-London Music Hall is closed for refurbishment. They’re tearing up the floorboards, bringing down the balcony and digging deep into the mouldering foundations. Upstairs they’re having an open rehearsal for the new season and you’re all invited. They’re trying for something a little different this winter: the comedians have some vicious new material, the magician has pulled something rather nasty out of the hat and they’re getting through chorus girls at one Hell of a rate…

Click for further detailsTrevithick's Train
A musical celebrating the world's first steam train journey on rails. Contains English, Welsh and Instrumental versions of the work so that the music can be used to form a, do-it-yourself musical. Ideal for School and youth groups
. “A brilliant idea, simple in its musicality; full of colour and fun. This is the first time that I have come across an educational idea of its kind” Dr. Meredydd Ifans